The terms and conditions of our website govern the terms to be taken into consideration by users in the proper use of the website Malhinter.
This website contains information whose copyright is reserved.
The user is willing, when using the Malhinter website, to respect all applicable legislation, namely the Code of Copyright and Related Rights, the Code of Industrial Property and the Law on Computer Crime.
In the elaboration of this website, every effort was made to ensure that the information contained herein was the most up-to-date, correct and accurate.
However, this fact does not guarantee the non occurrence of errors that may have been caused.
The Malhinter website is intended solely and exclusively for consultation, so the user is expressly prohibited from publishing, reproducing or disseminating, by any means, the contents of this website, for the purposes of public communication or marketing, namely, making them available on other websites or online services.
The user, when visiting this page, undertakes to expressly accept the aforementioned terms and conditions.